New security functions for Retarus WebExpress

With immediate effect administrators will now be able to limit access to Retarus WebExpress in such a way that login is only possible from specific networks. The advantage: Unauthorized persons can now no longer access the web-based portal even if they have valid login data. This allows companies, for instance, to prevent employees who have left the company from downloading confidential data or distribution lists to their private computers.

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Retarus Attachment Blocker: Filter emails containing untrustworthy attachments

Retarus E-Mail Security does not only safeguard you from virus and spam. Also other types of unwanted messages can be easily filtered out: The Retarus Attachment Blocker prevents therefore the receipt of all file attachments which the administrator has classified untrustworthy or which should be precluded from gaining entry to the company infrastructure for other reasons – regardless of their file format.

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The pizza delivery man always rings twice: hot food thanks to messaging services

What does actually happen behind the scenes when an online food order is placed? How do platforms like Delivery Hero ensure that the order is received correctly at the take-away restaurant around the corner? And how can the delivery service ensure that the food arrives at the customer on time – in a hot and enjoyable state? From the order confirmation to the automatically generated delivery service order and on to the authentication – more and more internet portals are relying on Retarus’ managed services to support them in this regard.

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“We need to talk!”: Enterprise Messaging Trends 2016 (1/2)

To kick off the New Year, Retarus therefore identified the seven most important trends in Enterprise Messaging. In the first part of our two-part blog post you can find out why companies need to focus more on the “workplace of the future”, connected business, Industry 4.0 and security issues.

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The special case of special characters: How to prevent losing half the available SMS characters

160 is the number of characters that fit into a regular SMS. The established SMS standard is employed in the autometed transmission of messages in M2M communications and Industry 4.0: When these messages are sent internationally, it can very quickly happen that a message is restricted to only 70 characters due to the usage of special characters. The solution for this dilemma is called “Smart Replacement”.

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Finance: What are the top 3 challenges IT decision makers must overcome in 2016?

The year draws to a close. Not only the increasing regulatory demands at national, European and international level have been presenting challenges on banks and financial institutions in the past year; customer expectations and their communication methods have also fundamentally changed. But which are the challenges that CIOs and IT managers have to expect in the coming year?

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