Retarus enlarges its patent firepower

Retarus enlarges its patent firepower

In mid-November we were granted another patent, this time by the European Patent Office (EPO). It bears the number EP3297221 and describes a “Technique For Detecting Suspicious Electronic Messages”. In concrete terms, the patent is about detecting electronic messages, such as emails, which are highly likely to have been sent in large volumes by means of a botnet. To explain how this works in a short and simple way, emails received by a messaging server are given a time stamp, which is then stored in a database along with metadata about the sender and the contents. This can be used to compare with messages received later. If a large amount of emails are discovered to have simultaneously come from the same sender or have the identical content, it raises suspicion that the messages have been sent by a botnet and may well contain either spam or malware. Enterprises interested in implementing the approach described above, are welcome to get in touch with Retarus in this regard. P.S.: And the best is yet to come 😉

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