Retarus opens new data center in Frankfurt: Expansion of the infrastructure

Retarus opens new data center in Frankfurt: Expansion of the infrastructure

Companies planning to entrust their communications processes to a managed service are right to place a lot of value on having the utmost control over all data, while at the same time having the highest levels of availability for the services. In order to ensure that customers continue to have both of these crucial benefits in the future, Retarus consistently expands its global infrastructure. That’s why in recent weeks the existing hub in Frankfurt has been built up into a fully-fledged, autonomous data center. Apart from this new location, Retarus operates additional data centers in Germany, Switzerland, the US, Asia and Australia.

Data processing according to local regulatory requirements

No matter which data center customers finally decide to use: Customer data is always processed locally, in accordance with the data privacy regulations applicable for the site. Besides, the Retarus Group ensures the strict separation of their European and US data centers at all times, especially regarding the processing of personal data. The security level at Retarus also always complies with the applicable local regulatory and sector-specific requirements, such as the Federal Data Privacy Act (BDSG), EU guideline EU95/46, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

Independent sites power business continuity

With its network consisting of data centers spread around the world, Retarus not only offers the highest levels of transparency over the location of the data processing. The independent locations also enable companies to ensure business continuity and offer them the option of distributed production. The new data center in Frankfurt provides an additional guarantee of the availability of Retarus’ services for the future. The new site is directly connected to numerous carriers and internet service providers, and benefits from low latency times as a result of its location at the internet exchange node DE-CIX. A multilevel physical security concept coupled with information processes certified according to ISO 22301 und ISO 27001 ensure top levels of protection for sensitive data. Retarus’ mission is to facilitate perfect networking for global business. In order to enable companies around the world to have a secure and efficient flow of information, the company will continue to build up its global network of distributed data centers in the future. In the Retarus NewsHub we will keep you updated on developments in this regard – also via email if you wish so. The global infrastructure is just one of many benefits that Retarus offers – to find out other reasons why Retarus is the perfect choice continue reading here.

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