Retarus has recently opened a new U.S. office in Hingham, Massachusetts, to accommodate the rapid growth of its sales team and to expand the company’s global footprint.
Retarus accelerates growth with new office in Boston area
Tags: Hingham
Retarus has recently opened a new U.S. office in Hingham, Massachusetts, to accommodate the rapid growth of its sales team and to expand the company’s global footprint.
Tags: Hingham
The German digital association, Bitkom, recently released the latest figures for fax usage in Germany. According to the survey, 82 percent of the participating companies are still sending faxes – and 33 percent even characterize their fax usage as frequent or very frequent.
Tags: Cloud Fax
On average, 42 emails are placed into every German business inbox each day. In fact, every 12th user is swamped by 100 or more emails. This was determined by the German digital association Bitkom through a representative survey, and we can assume that the situation is rather similar in other countries.
Tags: Email Security
Retarus’ development center in Portugal continues its impressive growth. In April, the number of employees working in Lisbon will reach a dozen, and in May a new colleague will join to make it thirteen.
Tags: Portugal
LRS (Levi, Ray & Shoup) is a leading provider of Enterprise Output Management (EOM) software. The US company, based in Springfield, Illinois, has integrated Retarus’ cloud fax services in VPSX, their cloud-based flagship platform.
Tags: LRS // Output Management