Here at Retarus, ensuring optimum information flows and user education concerning cyber security also encompasses addressing our users in their mother tongues as far as possible. Especially when dealing with such complex issues as email security, with its multitude of diverse terminology, many users soon reach their limits in a foreign language. In turn, this can easily pose a security risk when potential risks are not assessed correctly.
Polyglot: Online quarantine for end-users speaks an impressive eleven languages fluently
At Retarus, we’ve recently also made the online user quarantine available in a total of eleven languages. In addition to English, users can now select German, French, Italian, Malay, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Thai. Already since fall last year, the same has also been true for the Retarus E-Mail Security Report messages (aka the “Email Digest”).

User and administrator manuals available in multiple languages
But our multi-lingual approach doesn’t stop with the portal – the user documentation is also available for download from the EAS portal in several languages.
With this approach, Retarus consciously sets itself apart from numerous competitors, many of them based in the US, who often provide information and user interfaces exclusively in English or only sporadically offer automatically translated options.