Retarus Transactional Email now supports all file formats
Retarus Transactional Email, our high-performance API for email transmission, now supports the secure transmission of virtually all file types. Secure Document Handling provides added security, when encrypting the transmission doesn’t ensure the required level of protection.
Secure communication with the transactional email service by Retarus
As of our last feature release in October, Retarus Transactional Email now also supports the transmission of encrypted attachments. To ensure that as many file types as possible can be sent securely, we have opted to use an encrypted zip archive as a container for the transmission. When using Secure Document Handling, the files selected for attachment are automatically placed into an encrypted, password-protected zip file within the Retarus infrastructure prior to sending. The password for decrypting the attachment is then received separately by the recipient of the message. In this way, companies can use the Retarus Transactional Email Service to increase the level of data security for their email communication, without having to resort to costly reprogramming of their applications.
Of the billions of emails sent every day, a large number are now generated automatically by applications driving various business processes along the customer journey. The successful delivery of these transactional messages is crucial. Retarus Transactional Email is specifically designed for reliable, high-volume transmission of such messages, includes elaborate reputation management, and uses intelligent routing to facilitate a logical separation of transactional, user, and marketing emails.
Unburden your infrastructure with transactional emails
You can find out more about Retarus Transactional Email and our comprehensive Secure Email platform on our website or directly from your local Retarus representative.
On this topic: Discover what our long-standing customer BSH Hausgeräte GmbH is doing with Retarus Transactional Email in our latest customer story.