Retarus Management
Management with continuity since 1992: Retarus is a closely held business, focusing on long-term strategies and strong relationships with our employees, customers, and partners.
Martin Hager
Founder, CEO

Martin Hager founded Retarus in 1992 and is its President and CEO. Under his leadership, the company has seen healthy, steady growth, transforming from a Bavarian start-up to a global leader in B2B cloud communications solutions. In his youth, Martin Hager tinkered with electronic circuits, even making a living at a young age by developing software. His enthusiasm for IT and technology led him to successfully participate in the student STEM competitions “Schüler experimentieren” and “Jugend forscht”, both joint initiatives sponsored by the Federal Government and private sector. He gained experience through working for various IT companies in development, support, consulting, sales, and product management before founding Retarus. Martin Hager is married and has four adult daughters.