19/02/2025 – Retarus, proveedor global líder de soluciones de seguridad de correo electrónico y mensajería empresarial, ha ampliado su portfolio con el lanzamiento de un innovador y flexible modelo de implementación basado en API para proteger la comunicación por correo electrónico corporativo. Este enfoque, también conocido como seguridad de correo electrónico integrada en la nube (ICES, por sus siglas en inglés), ofrece a las empresas una opción adicional para proteger eficazmente sus infraestructuras de correo electrónico contra amenazas como el phishing, el malware, los ataques de día cero y el compromiso de correo electrónico empresarial (BEC, por sus siglas en inglés), sin necesidad de realizar cambios en sus sistemas existentes.
19/08/2024 – Retarus, specialist provider of enterprise messaging & collaboration services like transactional email, email security, and supply chain integration, announces its membership in the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG), the premier global body focused on addressing messaging abuse on the internet. This strategic membership underscores Retarus’ commitment to enhancing security and trust in digital communications for its customer base.
18/06/2024 – Retarus, especialista en soluciones de mensajería en la nube para empresas, refuerza la protección para todos los clientes de su servicio Email Security que utilizan Advanced Threat Protection. Ahora, una innovadora solución de sandboxing asistida por IA asegura una detección más efectiva de los ataques de día cero. Además, un motor AntiSpam adicional proporciona a las empresas una defensa superior contra estafas de phishing, filtrando archivos de imagen sospechosos como códigos QR y detectando enlaces peligrosos en los correos electrónicos.
23/01/2024 – El contexto en constante evolución en el que nos encontramos, protagonizado por los grandes avances tecnológicos, exige una adaptación proactiva, donde la innovación y la seguridad convergen para impulsar la excelencia empresarial. Por eso, Retarus, especialista para empresas en soluciones de mensajería en la nube, analiza las tres tendencias principales que marcarán el futuro de la comunicación empresarial durante este año.
23/05/2023 – Retarus, el proveedor global de soluciones Enterprise Cloud para Messaging, Email Security y Business Integration, ha lanzado una nueva versión de su Email Archive, el servicio de almacenamiento de comunicaciones por correo electrónico a largo plazo y a prueba de manipulaciones para empresas. Con funciones mejoradas, encriptación híbrida y un rendimiento aún mayor, el nuevo Retarus Email Archive ya está disponible como parte de la solución modular Secure Email Platform.
09/06/2021 – According to the latest Market Compass "Cloud-delivered Security" by analyst firm KuppingerCole, Retarus received top marks in all relevant evaluation categories. This places Retarus in the same league as sector giants Akamai, Cisco, and Broadcom/Symantec, even outperforming them in certain assessment criteria.
10/07/2020 – Maintaining full control over the multifaceted email communication channel, with all its intricacies, is becoming more complex every day. This not only applies to the high-performance routing required within company networks. Critical business issues such as process automation are also becoming increasingly difficult to cover with standardized solutions. Companies need more control over incoming email traffic, ideally before the messages are delivered to the company’s own infrastructure. To meet this challenge, Munich-based cloud services provider Retarus has developed the new Predelivery Logic service.
17/06/2020 – Following several months of successful beta testing, the Munich-based enterprise cloud services provider Retarus has now activated its comprehensively modernized quarantine service for all existing customers of its Email Security service. For the relaunch, both the front end and the corresponding back-end systems have been updated comprehensively, including a user interface and experience optimized for mobile display.
05/05/2020 – With the state-of-the-art failover service Retarus Email Continuity, companies remain productive even if their own email infrastructures become unavailable, for instance during server and cloud downtimes or security incidents. In such cases, the service steps in and ensures that the impacted company’s email communication continues running uninterrupted. Immediately, the service reroutes the emails to a server independent of its own email system, ensuring that communication with business partners, customers, and colleagues remains smooth and free of disruption.
03/04/2020 – The coronavirus crisis is turning daily work routines upside down. Businesses are being forced to change familiar working procedures, primarily enabling employees to work from their home offices on short notice – perfect circumstances for online scammers to exploit. The Threat Intelligence unit of the Munich-based cloud services provider Retarus has observed a massive increase in targeted cyberattacks. The company has now released the Retarus Anti-Phishing Guide to help raise awareness about fraudulent emails and recognize scams, while also revealing how to successfully combat such attacks.
31/07/2019 – Munich based IT company retarus GmbH has continued to develop its cutting edge Email Security Services, making them even more effective - with a whole range of new functions and features. Retarus has been providing email security as a service since 1994 and has continually been evolving and developing its offering – with dedicated Advanced Threat Protection which includes the post-delivery protection mechanism “Patient Zero Detection” and Retarus’ botnet recognition, both of which are patented across Europe.
25/07/2019 – La empresa global de logística de la información Retarus también ofrece ahora sus servicios de seguridad de correo electrónico de última generación en España y Portugal a través de IREO, un mayorista de valor añadido que suministra soluciones de seguridad e ITSM a más de 750 distribuidores.
27/06/2019 – Gartner has included Retarus in its new "Market Guide for Email Security". In Forrester Research's "Wave: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2019", Retarus is listed as one of the twelve currently most important providers of email security worldwide.
06/03/2019 – In its latest analysis of competition in the Secure Email Gateways market, analyst firm The Radicati Group has awarded “Trail Blazer” status to information logistics experts Retarus. Placement in this quadrant underlines a provider’s pioneering, industry-leading position on the market.
06/02/2019 – The WildFire malware prevention technology from Palo Alto Networks is now part of Retarus' comprehensive email security portfolio. The partnership marks the beginning of a close cooperation in the European market.
17/12/2018 – The European Patent Office has granted a Europe-wide patent for our Patient Zero Detection® technology. The innovative approach to analyzing and recognizing harmful emails is an integral component of Retarus E-Mail Security Services.
04/04/2018 – The creation of Retarus SAS is illustrative of the company’s excellent performance on the French market. For more than 3 years, Retarus has been enjoying steady growth of nearly 30% per year and today supports close to 50% of the CAC 40 companies.