14/12/2022 – El correo electrónico corporativo sigue siendo el principal canal de acceso para el software malicioso. Retarus, compañía que gestiona la comunicación de empresas de todo el mundo con la última tecnología para garantizar los más altos niveles de seguridad y rendimiento, analiza este problema y recomienda a las empresas medidas para que el negocio esté siempre en marcha - incluso cuando es atacado por ciberdelincuentes.
28/07/2022 – The ÖAMTC, Austria’s largest automotive club, now safeguards its email communication with the Secure Email Platform powered by Retarus. The German enterprise cloud provider also ensures that all the organization’s data is processed in accordance with the most stringent data protection requirements, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Other crucial considerations for the association in opting for Retarus included the high degree of flexibility offered by the service and the highly professional assistance in implementing the solution.
19/07/2022 – Los expertos en seguridad de Retarus han alertado sobre el creciente número de ataques de phishing encubiertos procedentes de Rusia. Según un análisis realizado recientemente por el proveedor de servicios en la nube para empresas, el 98% de los correos electrónicos clasificados como maliciosos no pudieron ser atribuidos de forma concluyente a Rusia por medio de sus extensiones de dominio, haciendo inútil el bloqueo de los emails a nivel de dominio. Retarus aconseja a las empresas que tengan en cuenta este hecho en sus soluciones de seguridad de correo electrónico y que tomen las medidas oportunas.
22/09/2020 – Retarus is launching a new partner program for its Secure Email Platform. Channel partners are set to benefit from the impressive flexibility of Retarus’ cloud services, which allow partners sufficient options for independent implementation and configuration of the services while also fulfilling the most stringent European data protection guidelines and regulations. The new two-pillar channel sales model is directed both at those potential partners simply providing standardized email security packages and those selling highly customized services at enterprise level to customers with huge, complex email infrastructures.
10/07/2020 – Maintaining full control over the multifaceted email communication channel, with all its intricacies, is becoming more complex every day. This not only applies to the high-performance routing required within company networks. Critical business issues such as process automation are also becoming increasingly difficult to cover with standardized solutions. Companies need more control over incoming email traffic, ideally before the messages are delivered to the company’s own infrastructure. To meet this challenge, Munich-based cloud services provider Retarus has developed the new Predelivery Logic service.