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Retarus expanding its development center in Romania

Significant increase in customer projects, product development, and support activities drive search for additional staff

Paris, 28/07/2021 // Munich-based enterprise cloud provider Retarus continues to grow its Romanian development center. The Romanian subsidiary has been on a positive growth trajectory since its launch in December 2019. As a result, Retarus is now searching for more employees for the Timişoara office in the areas of software development, service and support, technical product management, and EDI implementation. Retarus has also recently relocated to larger offices which are centrally located in Timişoara and equipped with all the latest mod cons.

The majority of the staff in Timişoara work in the EDI Competence Center. From this central location, Retarus’ EDI services are implemented for companies around the globe. Since mid-2020 alone and despite the pandemic, more than 1,300 EDI projects have been carried out for customers worldwide. In addition, a portion of the testing process and global Retarus software development is also carried out at the Romanian site, with plans to have these technical product managers support the processes in the future. New staff in Timişoara will additionally bolster worldwide support activities, which are provided from the Global Service and Support Center in Erfurt as well as the head office in Munich.

Expansion of the workforce and relocation to new offices

The workforce has already grown to more than 20 employees, reflecting the enhanced range of responsibility and continued positive development in Romania. To reinforce this growth and support the team’s ability to perform their new scope of functions across support, technical product management, implementation, and delivery, the subsidiary in Timişoara is now hiring. As in all its offices around the globe, Retarus has consistently implemented its pandemic strategy in Romania since March 2020. Since the start of the pandemic, all Retarus employees have been working flexibly and successfully from their home offices. Also following the move to the city center, employees have been given the choice of working either in the new, modern offices or from home.

Ongoing investment in the development center

Bianca Mot, Chief of Staff, Retarus Romania

“Retarus is continually investing in the growth of the Timişoara subsidiary,” says Bianca Mot, Chief of Staff at Retarus Romania. “With the expansion of its technical departments and the establishment of a support team, Retarus is a very appealing employer here in Timişoara. We offer our employees a wide variety of personal and professional development opportunities with attractive career paths, both locally and within the Retarus affiliates around the globe.”

“We are proud that we have been able to onboard extremely well educated, passionate, loyal employees in Timişoara, who are working for us with great success,” adds Martin Hager, founder and CEO at Retarus. “With its focus on developing and testing products, the subsidiary plays a crucial role in ensuring a fast, reliable service for our international EDI customers and is also set to become part of our international service and support center.”

During the crisis-hit years 2020 and 2021, Retarus has hired over 100 new employees around the globe. The company never needed to reduce working hours nor furlough staff, as the business continued to develop positively. Accordingly, the various Retarus subsidiaries are searching for new employees, for instance in software development, customer care, partner management, and sales.

À propos de Retarus

Retarus est un fournisseur global de solutions Cloud permettant de moderniser et de sécuriser les communications numériques et l'échange de données des entreprises et des organisations publiques. Les principaux services proposés sont le Cloud Fax, le SMS, Transactional Email et Email Security. Retarus exploite des data centers répartis dans le monde entier, fournissant ces solutions avec une performance, une sécurité et une protection des données maximales. Retarus, dont le siège social se trouve à Munich, a été fondée en 1992, est gérée par ses propriétaires et est fière de sa capacité d'innovation. L'entreprise emploie environ 500 personnes, dans 20 succursales réparties sur quatre continents. Près de la moitié des entreprises cotées au S&P Global 100 font déjà confiance à Retarus et confirment, tout comme les analystes de premier plan, l'excellente qualité et la fiabilité de ses services. Retarus fournit ses produits à la fois en direct et en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires sélectionnés. Plus d'informations sur : www.retarus.fr

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retarus (France) SAS
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