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Retarus Press Release

Medication dispensing systems: Omnicell relies on Retarus to modernize and secure communication with patients

Omnicell has chosen the Enterprise SMS solution from Retarus to help pharmacies improve communication with their patients // Using this cloud messaging solution gives partnering pharmacies full control over their SMS communication


Milano, 02/07/2024 // Amidst the resurgence in security needs for commercial communication, Retarus, a European provider of enterprise level secure messaging services, and Omnicell, a provider of medication and medical device supply chain automation technologies, combine their expertise to support pharmacies in the management of their SMS.

The challenge: to control and secure self-service drug dispensing

Omnicell provides and implements robotic solutions distributing medicines located outside pharmacies. Similar to self-service vending machines or collection lockers, they are used by pharmacies to make prescriptions available to patients, particularly after hours.

The pharmacy simply send the customer a text message with a unique personal code to let them know their medication is available. This code is used to unlock the automated system and collect the prescription. Until now, most pharmacies achieved this by using SMS messaging through traditional SIM cards, integrated into the automated system.

This technique had several limitations. For one, the delivery of medication could be hindered in the event of numbers be blocklisted. Additionally, there was no mechanism to effectively report whether the text messages that were sent had been properly received. Additionally, the terms of use of SIM cards had changed, prohibiting them to be used for professional messaging. This pushed pharmacies in search of a new solutions.

Relying on cloud solutions for greater flexibility and security

With that in mind, Omnicell went on a quest to find a cloud messaging solution able to accommodate for specific needs in terms of traceability, security, and compliance – common requirements that pharmacies often face. As a global leader in innovative automation solutions for the healthcare industry, Omnicell was also looking to partner with a supplier that has both an international presence and an understanding of local regulatory landscape.

The Retarus messaging solution allows Omnicell’s customer pharmacies to set up, control, and analyze their SMS communications. Connected to the Retarus Messaging Platform, the solution makes it possible to reach 99% of all mobile networks with an exceptionally high delivery rate. All messages sent by the platform are tracked, providing complete visibility over whether text messages have been received. Pharmacies benefit from reliable, rapid, and transparent text message delivery.

“We chose Retarus services because they are the unique combination of trustworthiness, industry-leading customer service, regional expertise with international reach, and competitive cost”, François Le Mouël, Omnicell’s Medical Adherence Automation Program Manager, explains.“ In the healthcare industry, we have no room for error. Offering solutions that are agile, secure, and compliant with local regulations is absolutely essential and a deciding factor for our customers. By integrating Retarus’ Entreprise SMS with our services, we are able to provide pharmacies with a modern, reliable, and transparent professional messaging solution that makes all the difference.”

James Pepe, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Retarus, comments: “We are delighted to be working with Omnicell. Our Enterprise SMS solution helps pharmacies provide a better service to their customers, ensuring that patients have reliable and secure access to the medications they need, at any time.”

Omnicell can now provide its customers with an advanced solution for securing and routing text messages, a service that the company will continue to develop over the coming year.

Informazioni su Retarus

Retarus è un provider globale di soluzioni cloud in grado di modernizzare e proteggere la comunicazione digitale e lo scambio di dati di aziende e autorità pubbliche. I prodotti principali comprendono il Cloud Fax digitale, SMS, Transactional Email, Email Security, Supply Chain Integration e Intelligent Document Processing. Retarus dispone di data center distribuiti in tutto il mondo, che forniscono queste soluzioni con i massimi livelli di performance, sicurezza e protezione dei dati. Retarus, con sede a Monaco di Baviera, è stata fondata nel 1992, è gestita dai proprietari ed è orgogliosa della sua forza innovativa. L'azienda impiega circa 500 persone in 20 filiali su cuattro continenti. Oltre la metà delle aziende quotate nell'S&P Global 100 si affidano a Retarus e, al pari dei principali analisti, confermano l'eccezionale qualità e affidabilità dei suoi servizi. Retarus offre i suoi prodotti in modo diretto e in stretta collaborazione con partner selezionati. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito:

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