Retarus Stampa
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19/02/2025 – Retarus, fornitore globale leader di soluzioni di sicurezza email e messaggistica aziendale, ha migliorato il suo portafoglio con il lancio di un innovativo e flessibile modello di distribuzione basato su API per proteggere la comunicazione email aziendale. Questo approccio, noto anche come sicurezza email cloud integrata (ICES), offre alle aziende un'opzione aggiuntiva per proteggere efficacemente le loro infrastrutture email da minacce come phishing, malware, attacchi zero-day e compromissione delle email aziendali (BEC), senza la necessità di apportare modifiche ai loro sistemi esistenti.
11/02/2025 – Retarus, fornitore globale di soluzioni per la messaggistica, la sicurezza della posta elettronica e i processi aziendali, amplia i propri servizi di fax aziendale con due importanti novità. È ora disponibile un'interfaccia utente basata su browser per un lavoro efficiente e collaborativo. Il portale offre funzioni di conformità e sicurezza migliorate, tra cui l'autenticazione a più fattori (MFA) e i percorsi di audit. In questo modo le aziende possono soddisfare facilmente i requisiti di legge e le direttive di conformità e ridurre i costi operativi. Inoltre, nel Microsoft App Store è disponibile un nuovo Retarus Fax Add-In che consente di inviare e ricevere comodamente i fax direttamente da Outlook.
17/01/2025 – Retarus ha identificato cinque tendenze fondamentali per la comunicazione commerciale digitale nel prossimo anno. Questi sviluppi non rappresentano solo una sfida tecnologica, ma anche un’opportunità per le aziende.
17/12/2024 – Retarus, fornitore internazionale leader di comunicazioni sicure e ad alte prestazioni per processi aziendali critici, è stata riconosciuta come Leader nell'IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Digital Fax 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc #US51812124, dicembre 2024). Il report di IDC MarketScape ha l'obiettivo di supportare le organizzazioni nella scelta dei partner ideali per affrontare i casi d'uso critici di digital fax e promuovere le loro iniziative di trasformazione digitale.
13/11/2024 – Retarus has enhanced its Transactional Email Service by adding a unique, innovative function for added security. Message Signing now makes it possible for transactional emails sent directly from business applications to be signed by way of S/MIME certificates. This enables companies to better protect their brands and customers, while more effectively preventing sophisticated cyberattacks, such as spoofing or phishing. In addition, this feature guarantees that the contents of the email have not been altered since it was sent and that the message actually originates from the stated sender. Message Signing is available with immediate effect.
19/08/2024 – Retarus, specialist provider of enterprise messaging & collaboration services like transactional email, email security, and supply chain integration, announces its membership in the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG), the premier global body focused on addressing messaging abuse on the internet. This strategic membership underscores Retarus’ commitment to enhancing security and trust in digital communications for its customer base.
09/07/2024 – Telefónica’s FARO project, which aims to replace copper lines with fiber optic, represents a challenge for a lot of companies and organizations whose communications still rely on analog faxing. Given the urgent need for adaptation, Retarus is considered the ideal option thanks to its cloud faxing solutions, which not only eliminate dependency on copper lines, but also offer a series of advantages and benefits for companies that are digitalizing.
02/07/2024 – Omnicell has chosen the Enterprise SMS solution from Retarus to help pharmacies improve communication with their patients. Using this cloud messaging solution gives partnering pharmacies full control over their SMS communication.
26/03/2024 – Retarus has expanded its collaboration with longstanding carrier partner ThinkTel. Independent connections between multiple data centers in Canada and Germany makes the worldwide Retarus fax network even more resilient in the event of a disruption and ensures optimum quality for last mile delivery. All Retarus Cloud Fax customers communicating to or from Canada stand to benefit.
20/03/2024 – In light of the recent cyberattack against the Ayuntamiento (City Hall) of Calvià (Majorca) in January wherein sensitive citizen and municipal data was compromised, public administrations are facing an urgent need to reevaluate and strengthen their cybersecurity measures. To this end, Retarus, which specializes in cloud-based messaging services, presents a proactive focus on addressing the ever-evolving panorama of threats.
19/03/2024 – IFCO, the international market leader in reusable packaging containers for fresh grocery products, now uses Retarus Cloud Fax for its ordering and billing processes. Suppliers using IFCO will also have the opportunity to place their orders for reusable packaging containers via the Retarus service. In this way, IFCO is able to offer its sustainable food product logistics more efficiently while also fulfilling the requirements of its global customer base.
22/01/2024 – The experts at Retarus, specialist provider of enterprise-level cloud services for messaging, email security, and business integration, have identified three trends which are set to have a sustained impact on digital communication in 2024. Artificial intelligence, in particular, will play an increasingly significant role over the coming months, enabling companies to work more efficiently and achieve a competitive advantage.
27/11/2023 – The IDC MarketScape report evaluated 28 vendors worldwide on their strategy and product capabilities, measuring a range of criteria such as delivery, customer satisfaction, functionality, research and development pace and portfolio benefits.
14/11/2023 – Munich-based enterprise cloud service provider Retarus has made its new User Synchronization for Encryption (USE) service available to their customers. The service is an integral component of Retarus’ Email Encryption solution and enables IT security managers to automate numerous tasks, saving time as well as money.
18/10/2023 – Cade ad ottobre il Cybersecurity Awareness Month, l'iniziativa internazionale istituita per sensibilizzare sull'importanza della sicurezza informatica e promuovere un mondo digitale più sicuro e protetto. Un obiettivo su cui c’è ancora grande margine di intervento in Italia: solo nel 2022, la Polizia Postale ha rilevato 12.947 attacchi informatici, con un incremento del 138% rispetto all’anno precedente.
01/09/2023 – I servizi di comunicazione offerti dal provider di messaggistica aziendale Retarus sono certificati secondo la norma ISO 27001 (DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017). La certificazione conferma ancora una volta ai clienti di Retarus che, con questo provider, i loro dati sono sempre in mani sicure.
03/08/2023 – Comunicare con dipendenti, partner e passeggeri è una sfida cruciale per le compagnie aeree. Basti pensare che, per garantire la massima efficienza delle operazioni in aeroporto, il personale delle grandi compagnie aeree, dai propri hub, invia e riceve mediamente centinaia di migliaia di documenti fax e SMS al mese, direttamente dal proprio computer. Ad esempio, i piloti e lo staff di cabina vengono informati sull'orario di servizio tramite il cosiddetto "crew fax" e anche la prenotazione delle camere d'albergo dell’equipaggio viene effettuata via fax. Non solo: i dipendenti vengono aggiornati su variazioni dell’ultimo minuto nel piano di volo o nel personale di cabina, mediante l’invio di SMS sui loro smartphone. Inoltre, i sistemi gestionali degli hub generano fax contenenti ordini, documenti di consegna e conferme d'ordine.
31/05/2023 – Retarus, a global provider of Enterprise Cloud solutions for Messaging, Email Security, and Business Integration, has recently opened a new office in Hingham, Massachusetts, USA to accommodate the rapid growth of its sales team and to expand the company’s global footprint. This is the second office launched in the New England region, joining the established regional office in Vermont.
23/05/2023 – Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni Enterprise Cloud per Messaging, E-mail Security e Business Integration, ha rilasciato una nuova versione del suo Email Archive, il servizio di archiviazione a lungo termine delle comunicazioni e-mail per aziende e organizzazioni. Attraverso alcune funzioni migliorate, crittografia ibrida e prestazioni ancora più elevate, il nuovo Retarus Email Archive è da ora disponibile all’interno della piattaforma modulare Secure Email Platform.
04/05/2023 – Il primo giovedì di maggio, che quest’anno cade il giorno 4, si festeggia il World Password Day, una ricorrenza istituita con l‘obiettivo di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sull‘importanza di questo fondamentale strumento per la sicurezza digitale.
18/04/2023 – La mail aziendale è ancora il canale di accesso principale per i software dannosi: lo afferma Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni Enterprise Cloud per Messaging, E-mail Security e Business Integration, che ha analizzato i problemi più comuni in materia di sicurezza informatica e individuato alcune misure per le aziende che desiderano mantenere la continuità di business anche in presenza di crimini informatici.
14/03/2023 – Il fax digitale si è evoluto per adattarsi alle esigenze di trasformazione digitale delle aziende. Anche nel 2023, il fax continuerà ad aggiungere valore, offrendo opzioni di automazione e facilitando la digitalizzazione di flussi di lavoro precedentemente analogici – e quindi aumentare l'efficienza operativa. In particolare, oggi le aziende possono utilizzare servizi fax basati su cloud e moderne API fax, che consentono sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi propri da questo canale di comunicazione sicuro e legalmente vincolante.
03/03/2023 – The energy consumed by the Munich-based provider of cloud services comprises roughly 80 percent electrical power and 20 percent fossil fuels, the latter mainly dedicated to heating the company’s offices. The Criterion office building at Aschauer Straße 30 is predominantly heated by way of district heating, the production of which is not entirely climate neutral. For 2023, it is estimated that the emissions for the company’s share of total heated floor space will amount to around 52 tons of CO2 equivalents. Retarus is compensating for these unavoidable emissions by purchasing carbon offset certificates from the Stadtwerke München (Munich’s municipal utilities company). In this way, the company’s consumption is offset by emission-reducing activities elsewhere.
14/02/2023 – Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni Enterprise Cloud per Messaging, Email Security e Business Integration, è stata riconosciuta come Notable Vendor nel report The Enterprise Email Security Landscape, Q1 2023 di Forrester. Forrester riporta che Retarus dichiara di coprire applicazioni di sicurezza estesa, tra cui la protezione contro lo spoofing dei domini, la riduzione dello spam e la conformità normativa e di terze parti.
17/01/2023 – Il 2022 è stato un anno caratterizzato da notevoli tensioni per i sistemi economici mondiali: dalla crisi della logistica e della supply chain, alla deglobalizzazione, dall'aumento dell'inflazione alla carenza di personale qualificato. Un panorama complesso che ha richiesto sforzi impegnativi di adattamento da parte delle imprese. Infatti, anche in presenza di queste sfide, le aziende devono mantenere ad ogni costo la continuità di business e, per farlo, sono chiamate a ripensare i propri processi, in particolare per quanto riguarda la comunicazione aziendale (che sta alla base di qualsiasi processo di business). Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni Enterprise Cloud per Messaging, Email Security e Business Integration, ha individuato per il nuovo anno le cinque tendenze da monitorare nell’ambito della comunicazione aziendale.
21/12/2022 – Università Cattolica ha scelto di collaborare con Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni Enterprise Cloud per Messaging, E-mail Security e Business Integration, per ridurre i rischi legati alle minacce informatiche: con l’adozione della soluzione E-Mail Security Advanced Threat Protection di Retarus, basata su cloud, l’università ha migliorato, con effetto immediato, la protezione della propria infrastruttura di posta elettronica.
07/11/2022 – Retarus, a global provider of Enterprise Cloud solutions for Enterprise Messaging, Email Security, and Business Integration, has received the National Security Scheme (ENS) certificate in the field of E-Government, without which companies cannot provide services to public administrations. Retarus has obtained this certificate thanks to its compliance with the requirements guaranteeing corporate security, risk management, prevention, reaction and recovery, lines of defense, periodic reassessment, and differentiated function, in accordance with the Royal Decree 3/2010 of January 8.
Sempre più attacchi informatici in Europa: perché le aziende dovrebbero valutare una soluzione cloud27/10/2022 – Gli attacchi informatici e la criminalità informatica stanno aumentando in tutta Europa: con il passaggio dalle infrastrutture tradizionali al web, la crescente interconnettività e la comparsa di nuove tecnologie come l'intelligenza artificiale, la crescita degli attacchi informatici - in termini di sofisticazione, complessità e impatto - è stata inevitabile nel 2021. È questo l’allarme lanciato dal report sulle minacce informatiche di Enisa, l’agenzia europea per la cybersecurity.
18/10/2022 – Che siano rivolte verso l’interno o l’esterno dell’impresa, verso attori istituzionali, clienti oppure fornitori, esistono comunicazioni che devono essere sempre garantite. Si tratta di quei flussi definiti „business critical“: scambi continui di informazioni (principalmente via mail, fax, SMS, o tra applicativi) che sostengono i processi core delle imprese e contribuiscono parallelamente a fornire un servizio affidabile all’esterno, come le notifiche inviate dalle app di home banking ai propri clienti, le comunicazioni mail aziendali in caso di emergenza o i fax scambiati tra gli ospedali.
14/10/2022 – Munich-based provider of enterprise cloud services Retarus is presenting a whole portfolio of cloud-based solutions for secure business communication at this year’s it-sa congress, taking place in Nuremberg from October 25th to 27th, 2022. In addition to presenting their Secure Email Platform at Europe’s largest IT security trade fair and congress, the Retarus experts will also be exhibiting their Enterprise Messaging Platform as well as solutions for integration and automation at booth 502 in Hall 7 (7-502). The strategies companies should employ to best protect their business-critical email communication comprehensively will be outlined by Retarus in their expert presentation “Retarus Secure Email Platform: (In)visible, when it really matters!” on October 25th and 26th.
27/09/2022 – Retarus has recently become a DE-CIX DirectCLOUD partner. This means that the Frankfurt-based interconnection specialist’s customers and partners are now able to communicate via a private, direct connection on the Retarus Enterprise Cloud, bypassing the public internet. In many cases, this offers a smart alternative to VPN (virtual private networking), MPLS (multiprotocol label switching), or a leased line.
28/07/2022 – The ÖAMTC, Austria’s largest automotive club, now safeguards its email communication with the Secure Email Platform powered by Retarus. The German enterprise cloud provider also ensures that all the organization’s data is processed in accordance with the most stringent data protection requirements, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Other crucial considerations for the association in opting for Retarus included the high degree of flexibility offered by the service and the highly professional assistance in implementing the solution.
21/07/2022 – Il numero di attacchi di phishing provenienti dalla Russia continua a crescere. Gli esperti di sicurezza di Retarus, uno dei principali fornitori internazionali di soluzioni mirate a proteggere l’infrastruttura di posta da attacchi informatici e garantire le comunicazioni ed i processi business critical, sottolineano però come il suffisso di dominio non sia sufficiente per identificare l’origine delle mail malevole.
13/05/2022 – Roughly ten months after Retarus founded its subsidiary in Lisbon, the Munich-based enterprise cloud provider has nearly doubled its number of employees in Portugal and is now relocating to larger premises. The move will provide enough space for the next step in the company’s growth in the important European IT hub. The employees in Lisbon bolster technical departments such as software development, IT operations, and application management as well as global marketing for the head office in Munich.
21/04/2022 – Retarus has been recognized as a “Representative Vendor” in the 2022 Gartner “Market Guide for Intelligent Document Processing Solutions” report, released for the first time this year. Gartner has listed Retarus Intelligent Capture Services in the OCR/Capture category.
04/04/2022 – Retarus has become a member of Hexatrust, an alliance of leading French IT security providers similar to the German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT). France is one of several countries in which Retarus is advocating for innovative and secure email security solutions. The enterprise cloud provider is also aiming to expand its partner network in France and reinforce the company’s position as a trusted and reliable email security expert.
23/03/2022 – Retarus, the Munich-based provider of cloud services around the globe, has made over 100,000 euros immediately available for aid projects related to the war in Ukraine. This amounts to roughly 220 euros per employee. All 13 of Retarus’ country organizations, including Romania, France, Italy, Switzerland, and the USA, are receiving a share of the total donation proportional to their number of employees to support whichever local projects they prefer – this may take the form of purchasing and donating goods such as medicines, hygiene products, baby food, blankets, and much more, or even financing the transportation of aid supplies to the Ukrainian border. In Munich, where Retarus is headquartered, the company has also made its company apartment available to a refugee family which has fled from Ukraine.
07/10/2021 – With its new Trace & Recover service, Retarus offers an innovative service to benefit companies that send emails directly from their business applications. The service complements Retarus Transactional Email by caching transactional emails securely in an intelligent short-term storage – such as to allow service and contact center staff to send the messages again effortlessly at any time should the need arise. This is especially beneficial to companies with complex application landscapes and workflows, who gain substantial value from the time and cost saved as well as achieving significantly higher customer satisfaction. The new service is immediately available as part of the modular Retarus Secure Email Platform.
05/08/2021 – Retarus has continued to grow impressively, even during the coronavirus pandemic. The fiscal year 2021, which ended in June, saw a revenue growth to more than 60 million euros for the first time. This represents an 11 percent increase over the previous year’s turnover and the seventh consecutive year of record results for Retarus. The sustained growth is reflected in the company’s workforce. With global staff now exceeding 450 employees, Retarus has grown by more than 10% in comparison to the previous year and is still hiring.
28/07/2021 – Retarus continues to grow its Romanian development center. The Romanian subsidiary has been on a positive growth trajectory since its launch in December 2019. As a result, Retarus is now searching for more employees for the Timişoara office in the areas of software development, service and support, technical product management, and EDI implementation. Retarus has also recently relocated to larger offices which are centrally located in Timişoara and equipped with all the latest mod cons.
09/06/2021 – According to the latest Market Compass "Cloud-delivered Security" by analyst firm KuppingerCole, Retarus received top marks in all relevant evaluation categories. This places Retarus in the same league as sector giants Akamai, Cisco, and Broadcom/Symantec, even outperforming them in certain assessment criteria.
20/04/2021 – Retarus, the global provider of cloud messaging solutions, has announced its partnership with AppSmart®, the leading source to find, buy, and manage all business technology services. The two leading companies are collaborating to advance the reach of Retarus’ cloud solutions both domestically and internationally for global enterprise and SMB customers.
01/04/2021 – As a Day-1 member of the international non-profit organization GAIA-X AISBL , Retarus is representing the communication, data security, and EU data protection interests of its European customers in the global GAIA-X cloud initiative.
25/02/2021 – The electronic invoice (e-invoice) is fast becoming the only accepted standard for B2G invoice communication in Europe, whether in the form of the PEPPOL standard, XRechnung in Germany or FatturaPA in Italy. With Retarus Business Integration Platform, companies are implementing future-proof invoicing processes in accordance with country-specific requirements – efficiently and sustainably.
11/02/2021 – Internationally active companies would be well advised to urgently check the state of their data protection and make certain that the digitalization of their communication processes also ensures compliance with the GDPR. Cloud service provider Retarus, which for decades has been supporting companies to process their communication data in compliance with the law, points out the key factors which need to be considered.
27/01/2021 – Retarus, the global provider of enterprise cloud services, has launched an intelligent new service enabling companies to better organize and administrate all inbound messages as they arrive: The Bounce and Response Manager. This new option gives Retarus Transactional Email users a powerful service for sending high mail volumes straight from their business applications and more control over the inbound channel.
07/12/2020 – In recent months it has become clearly evident, just how crucial it is for IT processes to function well and reliably communicate with patients. Now key healthcare projects have entrusted Retarus with contributing to the success of their vaccination efforts with its Transactional Email Services and Enterprise SMS Services.
22/09/2020 – Retarus is launching a new partner program for its Secure Email Platform. Channel partners are set to benefit from the impressive flexibility of Retarus’ cloud services, which allow partners sufficient options for independent implementation and configuration of the services while also fulfilling the most stringent European data protection guidelines and regulations. The new two-pillar channel sales model is directed both at those potential partners simply providing standardized email security packages and those selling highly customized services at enterprise level to customers with huge, complex email infrastructures.
01/09/2020 – The CERT at Retarus has issued a warning regarding phishing emails in which recipients are instructed to edit important business partner contracts. The phishers pretend to make the document available on the otherwise reputable Dotloop platform, directing the recipients to a fake login page for their Microsoft account.
10/07/2020 – Maintaining full control over the multifaceted email communication channel, with all its intricacies, is becoming more complex every day. This not only applies to the high-performance routing required within company networks. Critical business issues such as process automation are also becoming increasingly difficult to cover with standardized solutions. Companies need more control over incoming email traffic, ideally before the messages are delivered to the company’s own infrastructure. To meet this challenge, Munich-based cloud services provider Retarus has developed the new Predelivery Logic service.
17/06/2020 – Following several months of successful beta testing, the Munich-based enterprise cloud services provider Retarus has now activated its comprehensively modernized quarantine service for all existing customers of its Email Security service. For the relaunch, both the front end and the corresponding back-end systems have been updated comprehensively, including a user interface and experience optimized for mobile display.
04/06/2020 – LapID Service GmbH now uses Retarus Transactional Email to facilitate communication with its customers. By opting for Munich-based cloud service provider Retarus’ powerful API to manage its appointments and reminders, Germany’s leading provider of services for ensuring company fleet compliance now benefits from impressively high email throughput rates and compliant data processing in local data centers.
28/05/2020 – Cloud services provider Retarus has responded to strong demand for their Retarus Enterprise Communication Platforms by stepping up its recruitment drive for new employees. Over the current business year, 2020, Retarus plans to expand its staff considerably by more than 100 additional employees. Since the company was founded in 1992, it has never before hired as many new employees in a single year.
20/05/2020 – As online business continues to grow impressively, systems at the companies involved are generating ever more order confirmations, shipping details, and invoices – in short, there is a substantial increase in transactional emails. However, the proliferation of such emails can have a negative impact on the sender reputation of the company sending them. As a result, important records or messages may get stuck in spam filters, meaning that they are no longer able to reach their recipients’ inboxes reliably. This has can unsettle customers, slow down processes, erode trust and bring about additional costs. The Email Deliverability Guide created by Munich-based cloud service provider Retarus shows how this can be prevented.
05/05/2020 – With the state-of-the-art failover service Retarus Email Continuity, companies remain productive even if their own email infrastructures become unavailable, for instance during server and cloud downtimes or security incidents. In such cases, the service steps in and ensures that the impacted company’s email communication continues running uninterrupted. Immediately, the service reroutes the emails to a server independent of its own email system, ensuring that communication with business partners, customers, and colleagues remains smooth and free of disruption.
03/04/2020 – The coronavirus crisis is turning daily work routines upside down. Businesses are being forced to change familiar working procedures, primarily enabling employees to work from their home offices on short notice – perfect circumstances for online scammers to exploit. The Threat Intelligence unit of the Munich-based cloud services provider Retarus has observed a massive increase in targeted cyberattacks. The company has now released the Retarus Anti-Phishing Guide to help raise awareness about fraudulent emails and recognize scams, while also revealing how to successfully combat such attacks.
13/03/2020 – As the wave of COVID-19 infections grow, an increasing number of companies are restricting business trips for their employees and requesting staff instead to opt for home office and virtual meetings. To handle the resulting communication with staff, Munich cloud service provider Retarus is now granting its existing customers free use of its market-leading multichannel messaging service, Retarus WebExpress. With this one-to-many service, enterprises can keep their employees well-informed about the latest developments with timely yet personalized messages. This free limited offer is available until April 30th, 2020. Customers can find out more about this opportunity from their Retarus representatives int their local country organization.
31/01/2020 – Munich-based cloud service provider Retarus has successfully completed the TISAX audit, certifying the processing of information for the automotive sector in compliance with high security requirements. TISAX, which stands for "Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange", was developed by the automobile industry as a common standard for information security. It aims to ensure that all participants in the value chain have similar levels of IT security.
11/12/2019 – IDT, a long-standing integration partner of Kodak Alaris, is collaborating with Retarus to provide a fully integrated, easy to use “Scan to Fax” solution. The network-connected offering eliminates monthly dedicated phone line charges while offering an alternative to analog fax machines and bulky multi-functional printers (MFPs) that require IT support and incur maintenance, per-click, and consumables charges.
28/11/2019 – Munich-based cloud service provider Retarus has founded a new subsidiary in Romania, retarus (România) s.r.l., and is set to expand its operations in the country. From its Timișoara office, Retarus runs a service center for international customers of its Retarus Business Integration Services alongside departments for development and quality assurance.
07/11/2019 – In its recent analysis of the Secure Email Gateway market, Radicati Group rated information logistics expert Retarus the “Trail Blazer” with the very best positioning, attributing to its innovation in the Email Security Services portfolio. The only privately managed European organization to land a spot in this competitive report, Retarus has progressed towards the “Top Player” segment from its previous assessment at the beginning of the year.
30/08/2019 – Munich-based cloud service provider retarus GmbH has added secure document handling to its API for high-volume email transmission, including automated encryption of attached files and the option of providing a template for email jobs detailing the design of the message (templating). Along with these technical advances, the service is being strategically repositioned at the same time.
31/07/2019 – Munich based IT company retarus GmbH has continued to develop its cutting edge Email Security Services, making them even more effective - with a whole range of new functions and features. Retarus has been providing email security as a service since 1994 and has continually been evolving and developing its offering – with dedicated Advanced Threat Protection which includes the post-delivery protection mechanism “Patient Zero Detection” and Retarus’ botnet recognition, both of which are patented across Europe.
25/07/2019 – Retarus, a global specialist in information logistics, is now also offering its cutting-edge email security services in Spain and Portugal through the value-added distributor IREO. IREO offers security and ITSM solutions to over 750 resellers.
27/06/2019 – Gartner has included Retarus in its new "Market Guide for Email Security". In Forrester Research's "Wave: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2019", Retarus is listed as one of the twelve currently most important providers of email security worldwide.
08/05/2019 – Retarus, a global enterprise cloud provider, today announced its endeavor to increase business agility by offering its services through CenturyLink, the second largest domestic communications provider serving global enterprise customers.
06/03/2019 – In its latest analysis of competition in the Secure Email Gateways market, analyst firm The Radicati Group has awarded “Trail Blazer” status to information logistics experts Retarus. Placement in this quadrant underlines a provider’s pioneering, industry-leading position on the market.
06/02/2019 – The WildFire malware prevention technology from Palo Alto Networks is now part of Retarus' comprehensive email security portfolio. The partnership marks the beginning of a close cooperation in the European market.
17/12/2018 – The European Patent Office has granted a Europe-wide patent for our Patient Zero Detection® technology. The innovative approach to analyzing and recognizing harmful emails is an integral component of Retarus E-Mail Security Services.
07/11/2018 – Alex Dosch and Stefan Rath return to Retarus and assume responsibility for sales worldwide.
06/11/2018 – Digital fax solutions for multifunctional printers (MFPs) from Lexmark and Retarus are now available worldwide.
25/09/2018 – Retarus Managed Capture Services enable the automated capturing of investment fund orders
02/05/2018 – The communication interface BC-SMTP, used in the Retarus Messaging Services and the Faxolution 6 for SAP S/4HANA service, has been officially “SAP Certified”.
04/04/2018 – The creation of Retarus SAS is illustrative of the company’s excellent performance on the French market. For more than 3 years, Retarus has been enjoying steady growth of nearly 30% per year and today supports close to 50% of the CAC 40 companies.
21/02/2018 – Devious variant of phishing simulates password verification
05/12/2017 – Improved customer loyalty by way of communication platforms
05/10/2017 – EU announced plans to overhaul its rapid alert system for product recalls
12/09/2017 – Retarus again named a Sample Vendor for Enterprise Level Cloud Faxing in Gartner Hype Cycle for Imaging and Print Services
22/05/2017 – Digital processing of business documents ensures efficient workflows
02/05/2017 – Retarus issues warning about spam wave purporting to offer stock market
31/01/2017 – Patient Zero Detection® for the timely detection of malware and efficient IT forensics
26/01/2017 – “What matters is that the information arrives.”
21/11/2016 – Maximum performance with high availability
21/10/2016 – Migrating its fax communication to the cloud allows Henner to cut costs and optimize resources.
31/05/2016 – Effective immediately, the attorney will advise Retarus’ senior management on all strategic issues regarding international law and regulatory provisions, as well as compliance requirements.
15/04/2016 – Retarus is currently observing a significantly higher incidence of the crypto trojan Locky, as well as new variations.
15/03/2016 – Retarus is expanding its local data center in Switzerland. The Swiss team is also being bolstered by two additional messaging specialists.
09/03/2016 – Retarus has compiled a list of 5 tips, which companies need to bear in mind when migrating to Microsoft 365.
02/02/2016 – Michael Frischauf appointed new Country Manager in Austria
21/01/2016 – Secure bank communication from a single source
11/01/2016 – Conor McGrath appointed new UK country manager
04/01/2016 – Global Enterprise Messaging provider Retarus has identified seven trends that will have a decisive impact on corporate B2B communications in 2016
09/11/2015 – Retarus has been listed in the Gartner report “Hype Cycle for Imaging and Print Services” as a sample vendor for “Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing”.
08/11/2015 – Nuovo centro di elaborazione dati a Francoforte
15/07/2015 – La strategia di espansione a livello globale ha portato a una notevole crescita del fatturato
01/07/2015 – I Cloud Services di Retarus semplificano la comunicazione via fax in ambienti VoIP
26/05/2015 – Nonostante la crescente affermazioni di sistemi di comunicazione aziendale Web based, ritenere conclusa l’era dei fax è un errore.
07/04/2015 – ecco alcuni consigli per scegliere il Managed Email Service più adatto alle specifiche esigenze aziendali
24/03/2015 – per la gestione efficace e sicura dei propri servizi di comunicazione EDI
10/03/2015 – Lo specialista dei servizi di messaggistica conferma il rafforzamento del suo senior management
06/02/2015 – Rafforzata la richiesta di servizi di cloud messaging
02/12/2014 – Gestione conforme alle policy aziendali grazie al controllo degli accessi
04/11/2014 – L’occasione sarà la tavola rotonda promossa dall’azienda con Edizioni Este e dedicata al tema “La sincronizzazione dei processi di value chain dell’automotive”
17/10/2014 – I clienti Retarus sono al sicuro
06/10/2014 – Con i suoi Cloud Fax Services, Retarus offre la soluzione ideale per inviare fax in modo sicuro ed affidabile
22/07/2014 – Arrivano le ferie, milioni di viaggiatori sono pronti a partire
01/07/2014 – Gruppo Feralpi si affida a Retarus per la gestione della comunicazione via email e via fax rivolta a clienti, partner e fornitori.
02/04/2014 – I servizi di comunicazione e i data center di Retarus operano in conformità con le severe direttive sulla sicurezza dati e le richieste di compliance
20/03/2014 – T-Systems arricchisce i suoi “Dynamic Services for Collaboration” con i servizi Fax e SMS di Retarus
08/01/2014 – Axpo, la multinazionale svizzera dell’energia elettrica, affida la propria comunicazione fax da SAP a Retarus