19/03/2024 – IFCO, the international market leader in reusable packaging containers for fresh grocery products, now uses Retarus Cloud Fax for its ordering and billing processes. Suppliers using IFCO will also have the opportunity to place their orders for reusable packaging containers via the Retarus service. In this way, IFCO is able to offer its sustainable food product logistics more efficiently while also fulfilling the requirements of its global customer base.
03/08/2023 – Comunicare con dipendenti, partner e passeggeri è una sfida cruciale per le compagnie aeree. Basti pensare che, per garantire la massima efficienza delle operazioni in aeroporto, il personale delle grandi compagnie aeree, dai propri hub, invia e riceve mediamente centinaia di migliaia di documenti fax e SMS al mese, direttamente dal proprio computer. Ad esempio, i piloti e lo staff di cabina vengono informati sull'orario di servizio tramite il cosiddetto "crew fax" e anche la prenotazione delle camere d'albergo dell’equipaggio viene effettuata via fax. Non solo: i dipendenti vengono aggiornati su variazioni dell’ultimo minuto nel piano di volo o nel personale di cabina, mediante l’invio di SMS sui loro smartphone. Inoltre, i sistemi gestionali degli hub generano fax contenenti ordini, documenti di consegna e conferme d'ordine.
14/03/2023 – Il fax digitale si è evoluto per adattarsi alle esigenze di trasformazione digitale delle aziende. Anche nel 2023, il fax continuerà ad aggiungere valore, offrendo opzioni di automazione e facilitando la digitalizzazione di flussi di lavoro precedentemente analogici – e quindi aumentare l'efficienza operativa. In particolare, oggi le aziende possono utilizzare servizi fax basati su cloud e moderne API fax, che consentono sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi propri da questo canale di comunicazione sicuro e legalmente vincolante.
11/12/2019 – IDT, a long-standing integration partner of Kodak Alaris, is collaborating with Retarus to provide a fully integrated, easy to use “Scan to Fax” solution. The network-connected offering eliminates monthly dedicated phone line charges while offering an alternative to analog fax machines and bulky multi-functional printers (MFPs) that require IT support and incur maintenance, per-click, and consumables charges.
08/05/2019 – Retarus, a global enterprise cloud provider, today announced its endeavor to increase business agility by offering its services through CenturyLink, the second largest domestic communications provider serving global enterprise customers.
02/05/2018 – The communication interface BC-SMTP, used in the Retarus Messaging Services and the Faxolution 6 for SAP S/4HANA service, has been officially “SAP Certified”.
14/07/2015 – Managed services allow ICT service providers to expand the range of services offered in their portfolio, consolidate and improve existing services and avoid step-fixed costs.
29/05/2015 – Reliable, speedy and timely transmission of orders and messages is of particular importance for the business models of internet economy companies.
17/05/2015 – The data privacy compliant implementation of loyalty and bonus programs as well as the interconnection of geographically dispersed subsidiaries or a successful returns management require a modern communications infrastructure that reliably covers virtually all business processes.
– Retarus’ cloud services ensure reliable, just-in-time communications and smooth processes, such as turnover of goods, customs clearance or purchase order management around the globe.
11/02/2015 – Multichannel customer approaches, digitalization, online and mobile payments, IT consolidation, and regulation. Banks have to react to changing market conditions and new faces on the market in order to remain competitive.
06/10/2014 – Con i suoi Cloud Fax Services, Retarus offre la soluzione ideale per inviare fax in modo sicuro ed affidabile