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WebConnect for Suppliers – Better than WebEDIFlexibly integrate B and C suppliers in the ordering process

Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers enables you to automate order confirmations sent by B and C suppliers. Your orders are sent as interactive emails that suppliers confirm with a simple click of the mouse. No need to log in to a portal as they typically would with WebEDI. This allows you to receive more order confirmations automatically within your ERP system and reduce the amount of work involved in manual capture.

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Automated order confirmations from every supplier thanks to Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers

A reliable flow of information throughout the ordering process is critical for planning certainty in purchasing. However, this requires an automated order process for suppliers for whom EDI is not a cost-effective option.

There are often substantial challenges involved in integrating B and C suppliers when you want to digitalize your order processes. Insufficient technology, low order volumes, or a lack of economical and approved solutions are typical scenarios for these types of providers. This often means that you never receive an order confirmation, or at most, only a basic “We hereby confirm” email shows up in your inbox. The manual capture of replies such as these inevitably cost time and money in operational purchasing.

Made in Singapore

AICPA: SOC certificate
AICPA: SOC certificate
ENS certificate
Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers - Demo
The WebConnect Portal
This is where Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers can offer fast and easy help. Suppliers simply receive your EDI order as an email containing an interactive element. This element allows them to directly access the WebConnect portal, making it possible for them to confirm, decline, or process their orders directly from the email without having to log into a portal as they typically would with WebEDI. This ensures a high acceptance rate by users and up to 75% more order confirmations from B and C suppliers. You automatically receive the reply in EDI format, which means no costs to manually enter documents in the system.
Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers - Demo
Fast & Easy
The WebConnect portal also displays barcodes for each individual purchase order item, so the supplier can simply scan the data directly off the screen for faster and easier capture. In addition, WebConnect for Suppliers allows to attach PDF files or order data in the desired EDI format if the supplier prefers automated processing using EDI.
Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers - Demo
Automated monitoring allows you to quickly and easily see which orders are past due, making cumbersome manual tracking unnecessary. This includes an automatic daily report in the form of an email, which allows you to send a supplier a payment reminder with a single click of a mouse. When you look at the big picture, all this leads to greater planning security within your own supply chain for a significantly reduced workload in operative purchasing.
Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers - Demo
Article attributes
Article attributes enable suppliers to convey additional information about individual items directly in the order confirmation, for instance sell-by dates, version numbers or batch numbers. Customers are able to define these attributes in advance, and make them optional or mandatory. It’s also possible to add other attributes of the date, text, number or time types. The function can also be fully deactivated.
Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers - Demo
Order Overview
The order overview simplifies the administration of WebConnect orders. Tabs display lists of open, overdue, rejected, accepted or all orders. Details can be called up directly from the table, and you can additionally forward orders to as many recipients as you would like.
Retarus Business Case Calculator

Calculate Your Savings Potential

Use our Business Case Calculator to quickly and easily determine in three steps what you could save monthly by digitalizing your order processes. Simply enter the number of order confirmations you have to process manually, the average processing time, and the labor costs. The comparison calculator then shows the savings per process, the total time saved in hours, and the potential monthly savings. You can also download your detailed calculation free of charge.

See for yourself – in our interactive live demo

See for yourself how convenient and intuitive WebConnect for Suppliers can be for your vendors. As part of the demonstration, you will receive examples of automated e-mail notifications.
Test WebConnect for Suppliers now

Your advantages with Retarus


More order confirmations

Up to 75% more digital order confirmations from B and C suppliers thanks to maximum user acceptance

Easy to use

Confirm orders from within the order email with no need for a cumbersome portal login – it doesn’t get any simpler than that

Reduced costs

No need for manual entry and administration, flat-price model for any number of suppliers

Stand-alone Solution

Stand-alone supplement for small suppliers to connect to existing ERP systems or EDI converters


Content and language of the dynamic order emails can be personalized; easily add static attachments such as PDF files, quality guidelines, or T&Cs. Fast connection of additional suppliers.


Easy and quick view of past-due orders, reminders for suppliers can be sent directly from the daily email report.

Improved quality

More automation, less errors, maximum usability

Clear added value

High degree of planning security, significant reduction in workload for operative purchasing


Retarus WebConnect for Suppliers can be connected directly to existing ERP systems or EDI converters and is therefore both a stand-alone solution and a perfectly compatible addition for B and C suppliers at the same time.

Always the right solution for your suppliers:

Retarus Managed WebEDI Services
Cloud EDI Integration WebConnect for Suppliers
  1. Automation of all processes
  2. Two-way automation
  1. Automated order confirmation
  2. Supplier receives email with interaction options (without login)
Target group
  1. A suppliers
  1. B/C suppliers
  1. Highest level of automation
  2. Most economical option for most providers
  1. Automation without process modifications – high user acceptance rate – more order confirmations
  2. Extremely economical solution
Additional Details
  1. Unsuitable/not economically viable for suppliers with lower business volume
  1. One-dimensional automation
  2. Focus on order confirmation
Cloud EDI Integration WebConnect for Suppliers
Setup and operation
  1. Managed service
  2. Personalized support for planning and implementation
  3. Data processing in Germany and secure data centers
  4. Mapping of all basic requirements
Integration of additional suppliers Autonomous preparation:
  1. Creation of quality documentation
  2. Provision of test infrastructure with test options
  1. No additional time or costs involved. Available for use with any supplier
Value-added services
  1. Order monitoring
  2. Validation of incoming documents
  1. Email in user’s language
  2. Order monitoring
  3. VDA/NVE label or additional attachments

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Do you have questions? Would you like more information about Retarus’ Integration and Automation Services? We would be glad to hear from you. Call or send us an email. We would be happy to show you our solutions.