Retarus E-Mail Security now includes E-Mail Live Search and optimized Phishing Protection
“Protect”, “Detect” and “Respond”: More powerful protection from identity theft and less strain on support staff
Maximum protection from phishing attacks
To bolster their coverage of the “Protection” aspect, Retarus has now augmented its e-mail security portfolio by providing an additional phishing filter, which ensures that e-mails containing dubious links do not even reach the employees’ inboxes. The new technology broadens the tried and tested multiple virus scanners and the existing anti-spam filtering mechanisms provided by Retarus’ services. It scans through incoming e-mails in real time for potential phishing attacks, drawing on several databases to achieve optimal detection rates. The filtering rules are continually supplemented and always kept up to date. Depending on the configuration, phishing e-mails are either automatically sent to quarantine or deleted without delay.
Efficient tracing and analysis of errors
Should new kinds of viruses manage to find their way into the system, despite comprehensive protective measures, it is essential for those concerned to react and identify impacted systems without delay – before the malware has had a chance to cause more substantial damage. In the “Response” category, Retarus provides companies with the fitting tool by extending their portfolio to include E-Mail Live Search. With this clear and convenient search portal, administrators are now able to trace with a high degree of precision when which e-mail security filters and rules were applied for each and every message. The user-friendly web interface delivers detailed results in real time, enabling exceptionally speedy analysis and IT forensics – for example during cyber attacks. To provide company networks with better protection from future attacks, the system settings can be optimized based on the search results. Support employees are moreover in a position to provide detailed information on the whereabouts of a missing e-mail, for instance, without investing a great deal of effort.
About Retarus
Retarus is a global provider of API